Wednesday, May 19, 2010

About Me

Hello, my first name is Mister, and my last name is Marine. What bugs me the most is hippies. I can not stand them. How they denounce good solid flag risings as "military crud." It makes me want to beat them into the ground. It disgusts me how they do not even acknowledge people who gave their life so they could be free. I do like any thing militay. The one thing I would love to do is go Mach 1 at treetop level. It would be beter than the best rollorcoaster ride.


  1. Your blog is looking wonderful so far! I can't wait to see what else you have in store for this page.

  2. Tyler, I like the design layout you have chosen. It definitely represents your personal interests. Just a couple of questions...can you define what a "hippie" is in current times, where is the Christian love and grace for your fellow man, and aren't we supposed to pray for those who persecute us or are our enemies rather than act out in violence? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
    ~Mrs. A

  3. Tyler,

    Your blog is so sincere. I think it is so great that you love your country so much. It is a great place to live thanks to those GOD gave us to fight for it. And I do agree, it is disgusting to see those that give no regard to what a sacrifice was made for them to have freedom. I am sure you will go far with the Marines due to your dedication and determination. It is great that you are dedicated to GOD and then to your country.

  4. Tyler, this blog post really reflects you. I like the way that you crushed hippies! I hate them too. Your personality and true feelings about your life are really well stated here. Good job on your blog.
    P.S. You spelled roller coaster wrong:)
